
The title of the programme is Pre-Diploma in Computer Engineering.


The aim of the programme is to produce competent human resources in the field of Computer Engineering or ICT Industries who can work in rapid growing Computer Applications, Computer Programming and Designing, Networking as well as can provide service in communication fields.


After completing this curricular program, the students will be able to:

  • Help to uplift the awareness about the ICT
  • Work in the fast growing field of ICT industries, government institutions as well as international and non-governmental organisations
  • Process the related data
  • Work in Computer Programming and Networking
  • Develop small programs on graphic design and web development and Create self-employment opportunity to reduce the unemployment problems which helps to alleviate the poverty in the country.

Programme Description:

This programme is based on the job required to be performed by the Junior Computer Technicians in computer Designing, Programming, Networking and Communication service sectors. It is related to computer application and communication system installation and maintenance. Therefore, this curriculum is designed to provide knowledge and skills focusing on Computer Engineering related to the occupation. The curricular program consists of one year in house course and six months on the Job Training.

Similarly, the On-the-Job Training (OJT) for 6 months insists on the application of learned skills and knowledge in formal setting as well as the provision of OJT is also included to establish a linkage with employers and provides hands on work experience to students and promotes employability of graduates. Moreover, OJT takes place immediately after completing yearly final examination.

Course Duration:

This course will be completed within 18 months (40 hrs./week X 39 weeks = 1560 hrs.) class plus 6 months (40 hrs./week X 24 weeks = 960 hrs.) on the job training (OJT).

Entry criteria:

Individuals with following criteria will be eligible for this program:

  • SLC with any grade and any GPA (Since 2072 SLC).
  • SLC appeared (Before 2072 SLC)
  • Pass entrance examination administered by CTEVT

Group size:

  • The group size will be maximum 40 (forty) in a batch.

Medium of Instruction:

The medium of instruction will be in English and/or Nepali language.

Pattern of Attendance:

The students should have minimum 90% attendance in theory classes and practical/performance to be eligible for internal assessments and final examinations.

Instructors’ Qualification:

Instructors should have Bachelor Degree in Computer Engineering

  • Diploma in Computer Engineering with minimum 5 years practical based experiences.
  • The demonstrator should have Diploma in Computer Engineering with minimum 2 years practical based experiences.
  • Good communicative/instructional skills

Teacher and Student Ratio:

  • Overall at institutional level: 1:10
  • Theory: 1:40
  • Practical: 1:10
  • Minimum 75% of the teachers must be fulltime

Instructional Media and Materials:

The following instructional media and materials are suggested for the effective instruction, demonstration and practical.

  • Printed media materials (assignment sheets, handouts, information sheets, procedure sheets, performance check lists, textbooks, newspaper etc.).
  • Non-projected media materials (display, models, photographs, flip chart, poster, writing board etc.).
  • Projected media materials (multimedia/overhead transparencies, slides etc.).
  • Audio-visual materials (films, videodiscs, videotapes etc.).
  • Computer-based instructional materials (computer-based training, interactive video etc.)

Teaching Learning Methodologies:

  • The methods of teaching for this curricular program will be a combination of several approaches such as;
  • Theory: lecture, discussion, assignment, group work, question-answer.
  • Practical: demonstration, observation, simulation, role play, guided practice and self-practice.

Grading Overall marks

  • Distinction 80% or above
  • First division 75% to below 80%
  • Second division 65% to below 75%
  • Third division Pass aggregate to below 65%

Certificate Awarded:

The council for technical education and vocational training will award certificate in “Technical School Leaving Certificate in Computer Engineering” to those graduates who successfully complete the requirements as prescribed by the curriculum.

Job Opportunity:

The graduate will be eligible for the position equivalent to Non-gazetted 2nd class/level 4 (technical) as Junior Computer Technician or as prescribed by the Public Service Commission.